...simply said...

It's been busy busy weekend so far. Went for the Missy Higgins concert last night, after a relaxing afternoon with a barbeque in the parklands and some expensive wine and nice cheese down by the river with Mark and his parents. (ah.. this is life..)

The concert was alright, and it was only 'alright' because i've figured i'm not a big concert person. It was held on the Uni of Adelaide lawns, under the stars. No, not really cause although the day started of wonderfully with not a cloud in the sky, the wind blew some clouds from the west and by night, it was totally covered and it even began to drizzle. *sniff*

I have to say that I have never seen so many lesbians in my life. And they are gross. I'm sorry, but they are fat (i guess they're trying to make their boobs smaller by making their tummy larger), they wear horrible baggy clothes so they look like overgrown pre-pubescent boys, with hair and a voice to match. I honestly cannot see what is so attractive about them in any way.

So anyway. Is Missy Higgins lesbo? I don't know and don't care to know. Her music is alright, some songs are really good and I love how she plays the piano while she sings (multi-tasking!) I loved the open-airness and swaying with Mark to the music. Was not too happy about how short I was that I couldn't see anything, but there wasn't much to see anyways.

Went to church this morning, one just down the road. 3 mins by bike. I haven't gone to Paradise for awhile, cause I guess I was getting a little tired of the mega-church thing (10,000?), and how all the Msian students stick together. I'm always curious about other cultures and I want to know how others worship and behave and what they are like.

So Christian City Church, Norwood has a whooping 32 people, band members and pastors included. I like it though. More cosy, a lot less flashy and well, more ... honest. Members ranged from about 5 years old to what looked like 85. There's another one I want to 'try' called The Potters' Hand. Next time.
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