...simply said...

Pen Friends

*Blinkie of the Day*

One morning, when I was about 10, and still dressed in my blue cheesecloth nightie, my mom brought home a girl. Her name was Penina and she was the daughter of my mother's at-that-time boss. She was Jewish American, skinny and fun. Yes, at 10 it wasn't very difficult to invent your own fun and memories of swimming, cut-out animals and tattoos abound. Then she went home. We remained pen-pals for ages.. up till I was about 14.

I've just 'remembered' her and I am so curious what she is like now. What she is doing, how she looks... I don't have her contacts anymore. Time goes by and things disappear. So, I do what any modern person would do: Search 'Penina Finkel' on the net. I learn that she is now studying in Tuffts Uni, Massacchussets, and is an active member in her Jewish community. I only manage to get hold of her father's e-mail address, which I am not sure is still valid. I try, anyway. I tell him our history, and hope that he remembers the chubby Asian girl who used to come to his house and play with his daughter and ask him to please let Penina know I want to catch up.

No reply.

When I was 14, I had a love affair. Haha.. ok, what seemed like it then anyway. (I was just a kid!) I was very much into writing to pen-pals and 'collecting' them. one of them was James, a Canadian bloke who was 18 at that time. (very old when you are 14) He wrote to me every single day, regardless of whether I wrote back or not. I fantasized of proms and love and fireside talks amidst snow-storms. In my 14 year old mind, I was in love, and he was with me. Mellie was very amused, especially of a certain 'I had a dream of you...' email.

Again, I am curious of where he is and what he has become. 23 doesn't seem as far away now as 18 did when I was 14. Not that I am looking for anything to happen - no, definetely not. I am just curious bout what has happened to this curly-haired stranger that stole a piece of my heart when I was 14. I have no way of contacting him, I do not remember his last name. On top of that, my black-dawn85 e-mail address, my last hope, has been shut down and any physical trace of him is physically erased. Forever.

Life is sad sometimes.

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3:53 am

I'm a student in Panina's father's class. I can give you his current email address if you still haven't gotten a reply.    

10:19 am

Oh really??!! That would be awesome! I haven't gotten any further in 5 years....    

3:47 am

If you search Facebook, he's on there now. Raphael is his name, if you were drawing a blank on it.    

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